I started life in my 20’s with a Masters Degree in Science (Biotechnology) and worked as a research scientist. I’ve always been interested in the concept of research and science; solving problems, proving or disproving hypotheses, experimenting and getting results.

Everything changed for the better in my life when I got my beautiful puppy named Chaplin. I immediately dove deep into training and realised that there were a lot of similarities with research. I found my true passion, dog training. So I decided to put my science career on hold and pursue a career in dog training.

I got a job in a doggy day school, and trained up to 20 dogs per day, working on basic obedience, troubleshooting and adapting to each dog. I trained all dogs but I had a soft spot for nervous and timid dogs. At day school, these types of dogs were drawn to me and I helped them get out of their shell. I loved it, but I realised what I really liked was helping dog owners. I decided to gather my hands-on experience with 30+ dog breeds, as well as my experience raising a nervous puppy and working through his reactivity, and launched Happy Chappy Dog Training.

Since making this life-changing decision, I have helped over 200 dog owners reach their goals with their dog both in-person and online. I have coached them through the whole process to ensure that they become independent and are able to tackle life with their dog.


Certificate III in Dog Behaviour & Training - NDTF (National Dog Trainers Federation) Australia

Dangerous Dog Handling Workshop - Andrew Clark

Help For Anxious Dogs - Vicki Austin

The Big Two: Aggression & Separation Anxiety Conference 2023 - Mike Shikashio and Dr Moira Hechenleitner

Puppy Development and Play- The Michael Ellis Experience - Sydney Seminar 2023

Dealing with Reactivity, The Causes and Cures - Michael Ellis- Webinar- 2024

Communication - Michael Ellis - Online Course

The Neurobiology of Stress - Dr. Melanie Uhde - Webinar - 2024